
Christmas call 2011

Dear brothers and sisters,

Peace, love, solidarity and reconciliation, from our Savior,

We deemed appropriate to write you about the service of reconciliation, because we consider it part of our sacred duty and charisma. We retain that, in the treatment of the current tragic situation, adopting any non-evangelical project or trespassing, for any reason, the ethnics of our Messiah, or the positions of his most pure Mother, or the tradition of the disciples and apostles in the original church, is forbidden to us.


Domenica 6 Novembre, Festa del Sacrificio.


Luis mi ha scritto a proposito della festa dell'Adha delle parole molto appropriate e che condivido rispetto al tema del sacrificio... questo mi spinge a scrivere un breve commento del testo del Libro della Genesi che abbiamo letto stamane pensando ai nostri fratelli musulmani al Pellegrinaggio alla Mecca. (Si puo' pubblicare sul sito di Popoli e sul nostro).
Oggi ci sono a dormire al monastero 150 persone ... quasi tutti giovani ... e' molto toccante ed un segno di speranza importante.
Saluti cari ed auguri a tutti voi

Domenica 6 Novembre, Festa del Sacrificio.

Quando, obbedendo al Signore, Abramo cede al volere di Sara e caccia il suo amato primogenito Ismaele con Agar sua madre, non la manda via a mani vuote, ma le dà pane e acqua.

Quando questa madre sofferente e abbandonata giunge in lacrime (accettiamo la versione coranica) alla Mecca, l'acqua è finita e il figlio agonizza. Allora Iddio dona l’acqua del pozzo di Zemzem come al popolo di Mosè nel deserto. E certamente, come al popolo nel deserto, non fece mancar loro il pane celeste …



Exposition photographique de Cécile Massie sur Deir Mar Moussa el-Habachi

Saturday, November 5, 2011 - 08:00 to Monday, December 5, 2011 - 17:00






Week of spiritual jihad for reconciliation: PRESS RELEASE 01/10/2011


Press release in conclusion of the 1 october 2010 about the

Week of spiritual jihad, through fasting, prayer

and sakina (God-inspired peace of the soul)

for reconciliation between the children of Mother Syria

at the monastery of Mar Musa al-Habashi


Monks and nuns of the monastery dedicated themselves, with friends and a number of visitors from the vast Syrian mosaic, to fast and prayer. We met daily in the church to read the Gospel, recite the Quran and meditate on a selection of texts about non-violent activism for reform, through forgiveness, through a dialogue based on brotherly reciprocal listening, through the acceptance of difference without conditions. A large number of friends (people and organizations) from around the world joined us in spirit, which made us feel deeply in communion and unity before God.


Symbol for WeekofFast 2011-09-23


Call for a week of spiritual jihad, through fasting, prayer and sakina for reconciliation from Friday 23d to Friday 30th September 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011 - 00:00 to Friday, September 30, 2011 - 00:00

Symbol for WeekofFast 2011-09-23


Call for a week of spiritual jihad, through fasting, prayer

and sakina (God-inspired peace of the soul)

for reconciliation between the children of Mother Syria

at the monastery of Mar Musa al-Habashi, in the mountain of Nebek

from Friday 23d to Friday 30th September 2011


The Pope said about the situation in Syria on Sunday, 7 August 2011: "I follow with great concern the dramatic and increasing episodes of violence in Syria, which caused many casualties and great suffering. I invite the Catholic faithful to pray, for the efforts for reconciliation to prevail on division and resentment. Moreover, I insistently ask the authorities and the Syrian people to restore as quickly as possible peaceful coexistence, and to respond adequately to the legitimate aspirations of the citizens while respecting their dignity, for the sake of stability in the region. "


The Community of Deir Mar Musa al-Habashi in the mountain of Nebek wishes to dedicate eight days to fasting, prayer and sakina for imploring of God Almighty, Father of All Mercy, reconciliation between citizens, on the basis of a common option for non-violence as the only method able to ensure sustainable reform and to avoid the slide into civil war and the vicious circle of revenge.




A few warm words on three points


Saturday, August 27th 2011

1) First, we wish to thank all our friends for the great solidarity expressed towards our monastery and our country, in those difficult conditions that we can stand only with the help of your cordial prayers, the support of your commitment and the effectiveness of your gifts.


Fête de Mar Moussa

Saturday, August 27, 2011 - 00:00

DMM AngelNous célébrons la fête de notre Saint Patron, Mar Moussa al-Habachi, en présence de l'évêque syriaque-catholique de Homs, qui à cette occasion établira officiellement la communauté monastique Al-Khalil.

Vous êtes tous invités à partager ce moment de spiritualité et d'hospitalité, dans l'aile du monastère "Al-Hayek".



Fast for peace

Thursday, July 21, 2011 - 18:00 to Saturday, July 23, 2011 - 18:00


صوم من أجل السلام،

Jeûne pour la paix, Fasten für den Frieden, Ayuno por la Paz, Digiuno per la pace, Fast for peace



A Syrian Call


The 18th of July 2011

Very dear friends,

In this letter we ask, by increasing importance, for money, commitment and prayer.

Let’s describe the whole situation, first.


From Rome to the Damascus Mosque: The importance of and the perspectives on the visit of John Paul II

Television highlighted the decision of John Paul II to take off his shoes before stepping into the Great Umayyad Mosque in Damascus. He wearily crossed the nave whose vaults are still held up by the columns of the Cathedral of John the Baptist. Then, in silence, he collected his thoughts in prayer, near the memorial where the relics of the Precursor are kept. Only the small papal entourage entered the mosque.



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