Deir Mar Musa

Video introduction

Dear friends

We thank very much Yasmin Fedda and Dan Gorman for this introduction of our community.

Mar Musa from Yaz Silver on Vimeo.


Video introduction

Dear friends

We thank very much Yasmin Fedda and Dan Gorman for this introduction of our community.

Mar Musa from Yaz Silver on Vimeo.


Video introduction

Dear friends

We thank very much Yasmin Fedda and Dan Gorman for this introduction of our community.

Mar Musa from Yaz Silver on Vimeo.


Video introduction

Dear friends

We thank very much Yasmin Fedda and Dan Gorman for this introduction of our community.

Mar Musa from Yaz Silver on Vimeo.


Video introduction

Dear friends

We thank very much Yasmin Fedda and Dan Gorman for this introduction of our community.

Mar Musa from Yaz Silver on Vimeo.


Video introduction

Dear friends

We thank very much Yasmin Fedda and Dan Gorman for this introduction of our community.

Mar Musa from Yaz Silver on Vimeo.



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Our Website (also reachable through uses cookies to enhance the user experience. We also use cookies for our internal analytics (number of users, countries...). These analytics and any data you are exclusively for the use of our monastic community and its initiatives (news-letter, invitations for events ...) and will not be shared with external, commercial or non-profit organisations. It is our understanding that the cms drupal and its moduls does not provide data to other entities than ours. 


L’accaduto a Deir Mar Musa el-Habasci Mercoledì 22 Febbraio 2012

Comunicato stampa

L’accaduto a Deir Mar Musa el-Habasci Mercoledì 22 Febbraio 2012

Mercoledì sera verso le 18 è avvenuto quanto segue:


Events of Wednesday, 22 February 2012 at Deir Mar Musa el-Habashi

Press Release

Events of Wednesday, 22 February 2012 at Deir Mar Musa el-Habashi


جماعة دير مار موسى ضحية اعتداء مسلح

بيان صحفي: ما حدث في دير مار موسى الحبشي يوم 22 شباط 2012
مساء يوم الأربعاء في حوالي الساعة السادسة حدث ما يلي:

اقتحم حوالي ثلاثون مسلحاً، وكلّهم ملثّمون إلا قائدهم، موقعَ مواشي الدير، حيث كان بعض الموظفين. فقلب هؤلاء المسلحون الموقع رأساً على عقب سائلين عن الأب المسؤول وباحثين عن السلاح والمال.



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