Submitted by alkhaliladmin on Tue, 03/08/2011 - 22:52
My comments presented here are based upon the reflections given by the Monastic Community of Deir Mar Musa el-Habashi in Syria to the Lineamentaprepared for Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Middle East, which I consider still to be important, even after publication of theInstrumentum Laboris, I present them here, together with the text I wrote on the basis of my impressions of the latter, after our discussions in London. I would wish to stress here that the Lineamenta and the Instrumentum Laboris are both full of interesting insights. However, our role here is not simply to reiterate them, but rather to state what we think is either missing or insufficiently emphasised. Our approach is always intended to be constructive, even when critiquing the documents.
Submitted by paolo.dalloglio on Tue, 02/22/2011 - 11:19
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Our Most Sincere Thanks:
Dear friends, we wish to thank all from the depths of our hearts for choosing to help us in our financial need throughout this difficult year. Indeed, we have received much help from friends, both materially and spiritually.
Submitted by jens.petzold on Fri, 02/18/2011 - 19:02
Dear friends
This is the start of the new Website of Deir Mar Musa, it will be -hopefully- much more dynamic than the old one. But this did not depend on the website but on me, Brother Jens.
We, the community al-Khalil, will try to collaborate more to keep this site up to date and we will try as much as possible to involve also you for discussions and translations.
There are still many informations to put on this site I hope that it will continuously grow over the next weeks.
Submitted by paolo.dalloglio on Tue, 02/15/2011 - 13:42
Very dear friends of Deir Mar Musa, of Deir Mar Elian and of the Studentato San Salvatore – Cori, first of all, best wishes for this coming Christmas and New Year!